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Elegant Victorian Duplex Plans

Plan No. 195148

About this plan

This gorgeous Victorian style duplex house plan combines a classic look with a modern layout. The open living area, large bedrooms, master suite with walk in closet and en suite, make for a very livable home. The attractive turret on the front of the house, along with the covered porches and Victorian details gives it excellent road appeal. Floor Areas: Main Floor 1652 sq. ft. or 826 sq. ft. per unit, Second Floor 1646 sq. ft. or 823 sq. ft. per unit for a Total Finished Area of 1649 sq. ft. per unit. The Unfinished Basement is 1613 sq. ft. or 806 sq. ft. per unit.

Full Specs and Features

Main Floor Area8269' 0"
Basement Area8068' 0"
Second Floor Area8238' 0"
Half Bathrooms1
CategoriesDuplex House Plans, Two Story Duplex Plans, Canadian Duplex Plans
Finished Square Feet3298
Width47' 0"
Depth46' 0"
External Wall FinishesShingle Siding, Horizontal Siding
External Wall Types2x6
Roof FinishesAsphalt Shingles
Max Ridge Height28' 0"
Roof Pitch6/12
Secondary Roof Pitch9/12
Foundation TypesBasement, Crawlspace

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