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What are Colonial and New England style house plans?
While the architecture of America’s early settlers evinces a wide range of European influences —from France to Spain to the Netherlands—it was the British pioneers of New England who gave us the style most commonly recognized as Colonial. There’s no mistaking the formal symmetry and rectangular shape of the classic, timber-clad, two-story Colonial/New England home, with its centrally located, portico-decorated front door framed either side by square, shuttered windows, a large chimney extending squarely above. The Saltbox-style structure (with its dramatically sloping rear roof) and Cape Cod home both belong to the same family tree, but in all cases, the old world charm of the Colonial/New England style remains indelible.
• Rectangular, two-storys, gabled • Symmetrical • Front door with portico placed in the center • Shuttered windows either side • Even proportions • Large central chimney • Wood siding